Iteratively Building a Flexible Caching System for Apex
Posted: February 16, 2023

Iteratively Building a Flexible Caching System for Apex

Table of Contents:

  • Prerequesites: Understanding Some Platform Essentials

    • Understanding the Problem with Apex Static Variables
    • Platform Cache Crash Course
  • Building a Cache Management System in 7 Steps

    • 1. Start Small: Implementing A Simple Transaction Cache
    • 2. Abstracting The Transaction Cache Implementation
    • 3. Caching Data Across Transactions, Using Platform Cache
    • 4. Supporting Orgs That Don’t Have Platform Cache Available
    • 5. Scope-Creep Part 1: Declaratively Controlling Cache Runtime Behavior, Using CacheConfiguration__mdt Custom Metadata Type
    • 6. Scope-Creep Part 2: Declaratively Populating Cache Data Across Transactions, Using CacheValue__mdt Custom Metadata Type
    • 7. Scope-Creep Part 3: Adding Some Handy Methods for Bulk Operations
  • Wrapping Up

James: I’d like to give a warm welcome back to Jonathan Gillespie, who’s previously written on the Joys Of Apex about Advanced Logging Using Nebula Logger as well as What's New With Nebula Logger. I think you’re very much going to enjoy his latest article on caching:

When it comes to developing in Apex, we need to always be aware of any platform limitations. And often, data that we need to use in Apex can come with overhead to retrieve or generate it. In particular, I’ve found myself especially concerned with 3 limits:

  1. SOQL query limits: Apex has a limit on the number of queries you can execute per transaction. Furthermore, queries on large objects (with millions of rows of data) can be slow, which slows down other parts of the system for users. In some situations, orgs can have their org throttled due SOQL query issues (among other reasons), so ensuring your Apex code effectively utilizes queries in LDV orgs can become crucial.
  2. CPU time limits: Some data is generated in-memory by Apex code, which can also slow down other parts of the system for users. Sometimes, the data doesn’t need to be stored in a custom object (which would consume your org’s storage limits), but the data itself may not change frequently, so caching the data could be a useful optimization.
  3. Callout limits: for many Salesforce orgs, not all data lives within Salesforce - we often need to integrate with external systems to retrieve data that lives outside of Salesforce, using callouts in Apex (typically using the classes Http, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse). And when making callouts in Apex, there are limits on both the number of callouts per transaction, as well as limits on when you can make a callout in Apex - you cannot make a callout after running a DML statement, which can make Apex development even more challenging for developers that need to implement tight integrations with external systems.

Most recently, I ran into some of these issues when working on Nebula Logger - there were several areas in the codebase that caused issues for customer orgs with large data volumes (LDV). This was caused by one of Nebula Logger’s features, where it automatically logs data about the current Organization, the current User, their AuthSession and other contexual data. But some of this data requires SOQL queries, which can introduce 2 issues:

  1. SOQL query limits: although most of Nebula Logger’s queries run async, some of them run synchronously, which counts against the same limit that Apex developers are using within their own code. This is done so that the data can be set on the LogEntryEvent__e platform events, which several orgs use in external systems that subscribe to the platform events using the Pub/Sub API. So, in order to set the fields on the platform events, querying the data has to be done synchronously. These queries unfortunately count towards the same transactional limits used by other Apex in the org, such as Limits.getQueries() and Limits.getQueryRows().
  2. Database throttling in orgs with large data volume (LDV): for orgs that have millions of rows of data in several objects, every query needs to be as performant as possible - and if not needed, then don’t run unnecessary queries. For Nebula Logger, some orgs still want the data to be occassionally queried (as it provides more context for logging data) - but for several of the queries (like the Profile for the current user), the queried data typically doesn’t change frequently, so querying the data in every transaction could definitely be seen as unnecessary.

Over the course of a few months, I implemented some enhancements to help alleviate some of the slowness by implementing a caching system. The caching system not only helped with Nebula Logger’s performance, but it also laid the groundwork for a standalone cache management system that I’ve released as another open source project: Nebula Cache Manager

And in today’s article, I’d like to walk through some of the thoughts & iterations I made when implementing the system. We’ll start by implementing an incredibly basic caching system in only 3 lines of code - and by the end, we’ll have a flexible caching system that’s scalable & configurable, using 400+ lines of Apex code & 2 custom metadata types.

Prerequesites: Understanding Some Platform Essentials

Understanding the Problem with Apex Static Variables

Before we build a cache system, it’s important to understand how Apex handles static variables, as well as how transactions impact them. Luckily, it doesn’t take much code to demonstrate some of the relevant behavior. In this example, I’m querying the Group object, which stores queues. If you have ever tried to automatically assign a record to a queue, you may have already found that queue data has to be queried - there are no built-in Apex classes or methods that can be used to retrieve this data. And typically, queues do not change frequently, which makes them a great candidate for data to cache.

Using a static variable in Apex, we can query & cache the data inline, like this:

public class SomeClass {
  private static List<Group> queues;

  public List<Group> getQueues() {
    if (queues == null) {
      queues = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Email, Name FROM Group WHERE Type = 'Queue'];
    return queues;

Once a static variable is set in Apex, its value will remain for the duration of the transaction, or until Apex code changes the value. As described in the Apex Developer Guide:

“A static variable is static only within the scope of the Apex transaction. It’s not static across the server or the entire organization.”

Although not currently mentioned in the Apex Developer Guide link above, it’s worth noting that as part of the Spring ‘23 release, there is now 1 exception to this - static variables are now automatically reset between groups of platform event–triggered Flow interviews in the same transaction, but for the sake of this article, we’ll ignore this exception.

Ignoring the one exception, the behavior of static variables in Apex has 2 implications for caching data using only static variables:

  1. Good: Using static variables is a great way to have a centralized place to store data that (typically) does not change during a single transaction
  2. Bad: Using static variables still requires (in this case) that a query runs in every transaction in order to populate the data.

If you have multiple Apex classes querying the same data (in this case, queues), you can reduce your number of queries to 1 by storing the queried data in a static variable that other classes can reference. This alone can be a great improvement in some orgs - I’ve seen orgs where multiple classes are using queue data, but each class runs its own query, resulting in duplicate/similar queries that consume the SOQL query limits. By centralizing the data into 1 static variable, and updating other classes to use the static variable, we can reduce multiple SOQL queries into 1 query per transaction.

Platform Cache Crash Course

Although static variables can be used to help reduce overhead (such as queries or computing data) in a transaction, they only last for the duration of the transaction, and still require some overhead to populate the static variables in every transaction. Ideally, we should have a way to cache data across transactions - this is where Salesforce’s platform cache can help.

Platform cache is an additional layer available in Apex that can be used to cache data across multiple transactions, which is a critical feature to have within a cache management system. Let’s look at the highlights of how platform cache works:

  • Platform cache stores cached data in cache partitions, and currently supports 2 types of partitions

    1. Organization cache: data cached in the org partition is available in Apex for any user, which provides a great place to cache data that is not user-specific.
    2. Session cache: data cached in the org partition is available in Apex for a specific user’s session, which provides a great place to cache data that is user-specific.
  • The Cache namespace in Apex has several classes that can be used to interact with platform cache. When populating & retrieving data from platform cache, Apex developers can specify which kind of cache they want to use (organization or session)

  • null values are not supported in platform cache

  • There are limitations on what String values can be used for keys within platform cache - they must be alphanumeric, you cannot use spaces, dashes, hyphens, or other special characters

  • Exceptions are automatically thrown by Salesforce if there are configuration issues

    • An exception is thrown if the specified partition name doesn’t exist
    • An exception is thrown if the specified partition doesn’t have any available storage space
  • Most Salesforce editions include some platform cache allocation, with the ability to purchase more space if needed. Based on this Trailhead module, these are the current allocations included with each Salesforce edition:

    • Enterprise Edition: 10 MB by default
    • Unlimited Edition: 30 MB by default
    • Performance Edition: 30 MB by default

Certainly, this is not everything about how platform cache works, but it’s a good summary of the core features. If you’d like to learn more about platform cache, Salesforce has a 'Platform Cache Basics' Trailhead module with some hands-on activities.

And by using platform cache, we can rewrite our example class to provide caching that spans multiple transactions.

public class SomeClass {
  public static List<Group> getQueues() {
    Cache.OrgPartition orgPartition = Cache.Org.getPartition('MyPartition');
    String cacheKey = 'queues';
    List<Group> queues;
    if (orgPartition.contains(cacheKey)) {
      queues = (List<Group>) orgPartition.get(key);
    } else {
      queues = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Email, Name FROM Group WHERE Type = 'Queue'];
      orgPartition.put(key, queues);
    return queues;

With these changes in place, we now have a way to cache & retrieve queues across multiple transactions - this is a fantastic start to improving the performance of our Apex code. But the number of lines of code needed has quickly grown already, we haven’t handled some of the possible exceptions that platform cache can throw, and we’ve hardcoded the partition name.

We can take this further. It’s time to build a centralized cache management system!

Building a Cache Management System in 7 Steps

Now that we’ve reviewed how Apex handles static variables (and their limitations) and we’ve done a quick crash course on platform cache, let’s start building a cache management system. We need a fancy caching system in Apex that should ultimately have several features:

  • Provide Apex developers with the ability to add, retrieve, update, and clear cached data
  • Support caching of any Apex data type
  • Leverage a “key” name (String) as a way to add & retrieve cached data
    • Inherently, the key must also be unique, so the cache system should enforce uniqueness
  • Have the ability to cache data within a single transaction or across multiple transactions
  • Handles some of the oddities of dealing with Platform Cache, such as:
    • Testability of Platform Cache can be challenging
    • No support for caching null values

1. Start Small: Implementing A Simple Transaction Cache

With the info we reviewed about how constants & static variables work in Apex, let’s start with a simple constant, and we’ll expand from there. In the words of Kent Beck, “start small or not at all.” And we can implement all of these features, using only 3 lines of code - we really can’t get any smaller than this.

public without sharing class CacheManager_v1_super_simple {
    public static final Map<String, Object> TRANSACTION_CACHE = new Map<String, Object>();

By using a map to store cached data, any Apex code can now add & retrieve cached data that will be cached for the duration of an Apex transaction. This could be used for queried data, such as:

public class SomeClass {
  public static List<Group> getQueues() {
    String cacheKey = 'queues';
    List<Group> queues;
    if (CacheManager.TRANSACTION_CACHE.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
      queues = (List<Group>) CacheManager.TRANSACTION_CACHE.get(cacheKey);
    } else {
      queues = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Email, Name FROM Group WHERE Type = 'Queue'];
      CacheManager.TRANSACTION_CACHE.put(cacheKey, queues);
    return queues;

This is a good starting point of a caching system, even if it’s limited. Any Apex class in your org can now use a String key to cache any Apex data type - in the process, we’re using some of Salesforce’s heap size limits, but this seems like a good compromise for the sake of providing a centralized cache management system.

2. Abstracting The Transaction Cache Implementation

The 3-line version of CacheManager is effective, but the implementation & the underlying data structure (Map<String, Object>) are currently the same thing - there’s no abstraction at the moment, which can make it difficult to add additional safeguards & functionality into the caching system. Let’s take the CacheManager class a step further, and we’ll add a new inner class called TransactionCache to abstract away some of the inner-workings.

public without sharing class CacheManager_v2_transaction_class {
  private static TransactionCache transactionCache;

  public static TransactionCache getTransactionCache() {
    if (transactionCache == null) {
      transactionCache = new TransactionCache();

    return transactionCache;

  public class TransactionCache {
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void remove(String key) {

Internally, the transaction cache is still using the same Map<String, Object> data structure for caching, but that implementation detail is now hidden from consumers of CacheManager. A singleton instance of the new TransactionCache class now provides methods that interact with the Map<String, Object> variable. And by using methods (instead of directly exposing the Map<String, Object> variable), we now also have the ability to further control how data is added, updated & removed in the cache (which we’ll implement later).

Now, our example class can use the new getTransactionCache() method, instead of directly accessing the Map<String, Object>.

public class SomeClass {
  public static List<Group> getQueues() {
    String cacheKey = 'queues';
    List<Group> queues;
    if (CacheManager.getTransactionCache().contains(cacheKey)) {
      queues = (List<Group>) CacheManager.getTransactionCache().get(cacheKey);
    } else {
      queues = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName, Email, Name FROM Group WHERE Type = 'Queue'];
      orgPartition.put(cacheKey, queues);
    return queues;

3. Caching Data Across Transactions, Using Platform Cache

The CacheManager class now provides a way for managing the transaction cache, and the underlying data structure has been safely tucked away from consumers of CacheManager. Developers can add, update, retrieve & remove cached data as needed via Apex. But fundamentally, the transaction cache has a limitation - the cached data only lasts for the life of the transaction, so every Apex transaction (that uses the cached data) will still have overhead of querying or generating data & adding it to the cache. By leveraging platform cache, we can start caching data across Apex’s transaction boundaries.

Let’s incorporate Platform Cache into the CacheManager class - this will provide 3 types of cache

  1. Transaction cache: the original cache we started with, using Map<String, Object>
  2. Organization cache: our platform cache partition’s org cache
  3. Session cache: our platform cache partition’s session cache

Ideally, Apex developers should be able to use all 3 cache types in the same way - developers will want to choose which cache type makes the most sense for each dataset being cached, but using each cache should be consistent. This is a great time to introduce a new interface that all 3 cache types will implement. The TransactionCache class already has several methods, so let’s make a new interface with those methods - we’ll call it Cacheable to align with Salesforce’s naming convention used for several standard Apex interfaces, such as Database.Batchable, System.Queueable, and System.Schedulable.

public without sharing class CacheManager_v3_cacheable_interface {
  private static Cacheable transactionCache;

  public interface Cacheable {
    Boolean contains(String key);
    Object get(String key);
    void put(String key, Object value);
    void remove(String key);

  // The getTransactionCache() method now returns an instance of Cacheable, instead of TransactionCache
  // This provides yet another layer of abstraction for consumers of CacheManager, and ensures that how
  // consumers interact with each cache type is consistent (by adhering to the Cacheable interface's methods)
  public static Cacheable getTransactionCache() {
    if (transactionCache == null) {
      transactionCache = new TransactionCache();

    return transactionCache;

  // The TransactionCache class can now be marked as private - consumers of CacheManager will only need to know about the Cacheable interface
  private class TransactionCache implements Cacheable {
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void remove(String key) {

With our new Cacheable interface in place, we’ve completed abstracting away the inner class TransactionCache (it’s now private), and we’ve laid the foundation for supporting new types of caches with our new Cacheable interface. We can start to update CacheManager to use Platform Cache.

When I first worked on integrating platform cache for Nebula Logger, James pointed out that I had some repetitve code for handling both the org platform cache partition using Cache.OrgPartition and the session platform cache partition Cache.SessionPartition. This led to the realization that I could reduce most of the duplicated code by using the class Cache.Partition, the super class of both Cache.OrgPartition and Cache.SessionPartition. For the moment, there are 5 Cache.Partition methods needed:

  1. Cache.Partition.isAvailable() - this indicates if a platform cache partition is available in the current transaction. If a partition is not available, any attempt to use it to cache data will throw an exception.
  2. Cache.Partition.contains(String key) - this is the same concept as a map’s method containsKey(String), and indicates if the specified key has been cached within the platform cache partition.
  3. Cache.Partition.get(String key) - this is the same concept as a map’s method get(String), and will retrieve the specified key’s value from the platform cache partition. 4 Cache.Partition.put(String key, Object value, Integer ttlSecs, Cache.Visibility visibility, Boolean isImmutable) - there are several overloads available for the put() method. This overload is used because it provides the most control for how the data is cached. Later, we’ll also use some of these additional parameters to provide admins & developers the ability to configure these values - but for now, the values are hardcoded.
  4. Cache.Partition.remove(String key) - this is the same concept as a map’s method remove(String), and will remove the specified key from the platform cache partition.

With this information in mind, the CacheManager class can be expanded again to have 2 new static methods that Apex developers can use for interacting with platform cache: getOrganizationCache() and getSessionCache(). Internally, a new PlatformCache class implements the Cacheable interface, and handles all of the common functionality used for interacting with org & session platform caches.

public class CacheManager_v4_with_platform_cache {
  private static final String PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE = '<{(CACHE_VALUE_IS_NULL)}>'; // Presumably, no one will ever use this as an actual value

  private static PlatformCache organizationCacheInstance;
  private static PlatformCache sessionCacheInstance;
  private static TransactionCache transactionCache;

  public interface Cacheable {
    Boolean contains(String key);
    Object get(String key);
    void put(String key, Object value);
    void remove(String key);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache() {
    if (organizationCacheInstance == null) {
      // For now, the partition name is hardcoded 😭 But we'll revisit this soon!
      Cache.Partition organizationPartition = Cache.Org.getPartition('CacheManagerPartition');
      organizationCacheInstance = new PlatformCache(organizationPartition, getTransactionCache());

    return organizationCacheInstance;

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache() {
    if (sessionCacheInstance == null) {
      // For now, the partition name is hardcoded 😭 But we'll revisit this soon!
      Cache.Partition sessionPartition = Cache.Session.getPartition('CacheManagerPartition');
      sessionCacheInstance = new PlatformCache(sessionPartition, getTransactionCache());

    return sessionCacheInstance;

  public static Cacheable getTransactionCache() {
    if (transactionCache == null) {
      transactionCache = new TransactionCache();

    return transactionCache;

  private class PlatformCache implements Cacheable {
    private final Cache.Partition platformCachePartition;
    private final Boolean cacheIsImmutable = true;
    private final Integer cacheTtlSeconds;
    private final Cache.Visibility cacheVisibility = Cache.Visibility.All;
    private final Cacheable fallbackTransactionCache;

    private PlatformCache(Cache.Partition platformCachePartition, Cacheable transactionCache) {
      this.fallbackTransactionCache = transactionCache;
      this.platformCachePartition = platformCachePartition;

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.platformCachePartition.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key);
      } else {
        return this.platformCachePartition.contains(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.platformCachePartition.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.get(key);
      } else {
        Object value = this.platformCachePartition.get(key);
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE) {
          value = null;
        this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);

      if (this.platformCachePartition.isAvailable() == true) {
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == null) {
          value = PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE;

        this.platformCachePartition.put(key, value, this.cacheTtlSeconds, this.cacheVisibility, this.cacheIsImmutable);

    public void remove(String key) {

      if (this.platformCachePartition.isAvailable() == true) {

  private class TransactionCache implements Cacheable {
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void remove(String key) {

Now, the CacheManager provides 3 ways to cache data

  1. CacheManager.getOrganizationCache() - leverages the org partition in platform cache for storing cached data, and internally supplements it with the transaction cache.
  2. CacheManager.getSessionCache() - leverages the session partition in platform cache for storing cached data, and internally supplements it with the transaction cache.
  3. CacheManager.getTransactionCache() - leverages Map<String, Object> for storing cached data, and internally supplements it with declaratively cached data stored in CacheValue__mdt

And because all 3 of these methods return an instance of the interface CacheManager.Cacheable, the way that developers interact with each cache type is the same - developers only need to decide where they want to cache data.

Furthermore, we’ve handled one quirk with platform cache - we’ve added support for null values (even though platform cache does not support null values) by using a substitute String, stored in the constant PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE. Now, if Apex developers need to cache null, the CacheManager class handles substituting the placeholder String - it happens seamlessly for Apex developers.

4. Supporting Orgs That Don’t Have Platform Cache Available

When implementing Nebula Logger’s caching system, I ran into some additional limitations with platform cache - in orgs that do not have platform cache partition space allocated, adding data to a cache partition would result in an exception being thrown. For many orgs, this may not be an issue - if you know that you’re using platform cache in your org, then you simply need to configure a cache partition, and you’re ready to go. But there are a couple situations that I wanted to support:

  • You’re building a reusable app for Salesforce: it could be an open source project, or an ISV Partner releasing app on AppExchange. If you’re trying to build a reusable app that leverages platform cache, you need to ensure your code still works in orgs that don’t have available platform cache space.
  • Platform Cache configuration could change: Even if an org has platform cache space available, if no space has been allocated to the specific partition being used, you can encounter errors.
  • You can’t mock platform cache partitions in Apex tests: during Apex test execution, the actual cache partitions deployed to your org are used, and there’s not currently a way to create a mock instance. If your org does not have space allocated to a partition used by tests, then the tests will fail, which really makes true unit testing more challenging.

For all of these situations, throwing an exception doesn’t seem ideal. Instead, I want the cache system to gracefully handle this, while still providing some level of caching. To help handle some of these nuances of platform cache, let’s introduce a new private inner class, PlatformCachePartitionProxy, that uses the proxy structural pattern to handle all interactions with cache partitions.

public without sharing class CacheManager_v5_partition_proxy {
  private static final String PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE = '<{(CACHE_VALUE_IS_NULL)}>'; // Presumably, no one will ever use this as an actual value

  private static PlatformCache organizationCacheInstance;
  private static PlatformCache sessionCacheInstance;
  private static TransactionCache transactionCacheInstance;

  private enum PlatformCacheType {

  public interface Cacheable {
    Boolean contains(String key);
    Object get(String key);
    Boolean isAvailable();
    void put(String key, Object value);
    void remove(String key);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache() {
    if (organizationCacheInstance == null) {
      Integer organizationCacheTtlSeconds = 86400; // 86,400 seconds == 24 hours, the max time-to-live (TTL) allowed for org cache
      // For now, the partition name is hardcoded 😭 But we'll revisit this soon!
      PlatformCachePartitionProxy partitionProxy = new PlatformCachePartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType.SESSION, 'CacheManager');
      organizationCacheInstance = getPlatformCache(new TransactionCache(), partitionProxy, organizationCacheTtlSeconds);
    return organizationCacheInstance;

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache() {
    if (sessionCacheInstance == null) {
      Integer sessionCacheTtlSeconds = 28800; // 28,800 seconds == 8 hours, the max time-to-live (TTL) allowed for session cache
      // For now, the partition name is hardcoded 😭 But we'll revisit this soon!
      PlatformCachePartitionProxy partitionProxy = new PlatformCachePartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType.SESSION, 'CacheManager');
      sessionCacheInstance = getPlatformCache(new TransactionCache(), partitionProxy, sessionCacheTtlSeconds);
    return sessionCacheInstance;

  public static Cacheable getTransactionCache() {
    if (transactionCacheInstance == null) {
      transactionCacheInstance = new TransactionCache();

    return transactionCacheInstance;

  private static void validateKey(String key) {
    Pattern alphanumericPattern = Pattern.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$');
    Matcher regexMatcher = alphanumericPattern.matcher(key);
    if (regexMatcher.matches() == false) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException('Key must be alphanumeric, received key: ' + key);

  private static PlatformCache getPlatformCache(TransactionCache localTransactionCache, PlatformCachePartitionProxy partitionProxy, Integer cacheTtlSeconds) {
    PlatformCache platformCache = new PlatformCache(localTransactionCache, partitionProxy, cacheTtlSeconds);

    return platformCache;

  private class PlatformCache implements Cacheable {
    private final PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy;
    private final Integer cacheTtlSeconds;
    private final TransactionCache fallbackTransactionCache;

    private PlatformCache(TransactionCache transactionCache, PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy, Integer cacheTtlSeconds) {
      this.fallbackTransactionCache = transactionCache;
      this.cachePartitionProxy = cachePartitionProxy;
      this.cacheTtlSeconds = cacheTtlSeconds;

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) == true || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key);
      } else {
        return this.cachePartitionProxy.contains(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.get(key);
      } else {
        Object value = this.cachePartitionProxy.get(key);
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE) {
          value = null;
        this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);

      // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
      if (value == null) {
      Cache.Visibility visibility = Cache.Visibility.ALL;
      Boolean isImmutable = false;
      this.cachePartitionProxy.put(key, value, this.cacheTtlSeconds, visibility, isImmutable);

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isAvailable() == true) {

  private virtual class PlatformCachePartitionProxy {
    private final Cache.Partition platformCachePartition;

    protected PlatformCachePartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType cacheType, String partitionName) {
      // If the specified partition name is not found, the platform automatically throws a runtime exception, which isn't ideal.
      // It seems better to eat the exceptions & fallback to the transaction cache (which doesn't rely on Platform Cache).
      try {
        switch on cacheType {
          when ORGANIZATION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Org.getPartition(partitionName);
          when SESSION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Session.getPartition(partitionName);
      } catch (Cache.Org.OrgCacheException orgCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache
      } catch (Cache.Session.SessionCacheException sessionCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache

    public virtual Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.contains(key) == true;

    public virtual Object get(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.get(key);

    public virtual Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.isAvailable() == true;

    public virtual void put(String key, Object value, Integer cacheTtlSeconds, Cache.Visibility cacheVisiblity, Boolean isCacheImmutable) {
      this.platformCachePartition?.put(key, value, cacheTtlSeconds, cacheVisiblity, isCacheImmutable);

    public virtual void remove(String key) {

  private class TransactionCache implements Cacheable {
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void remove(String key) {

With the new class PlatformCachePartitionProxy in place, the CacheManager class can now:

  1. Gracefully handle non-existant cache partitions
  2. Gracefully handle cache partitions that do not have storage allocated
  3. Improve testability by provide a mock version of the PlatformCachePartitionProxy class that’s used during test execution

At this point, this is effectively the same cache management system used internally by Nebula Logger, which has already provided some great improvements in several orgs. But if we want to build a standalone caching system, we can add several additional features to make it a highly scalable & configurable.

5. Scope-Creep Part 1: Declaratively Controlling Cache Runtime Behavior, Using CacheConfiguration__mdt Custom Metadata Type

When building reusable tools - espcially in Salesforce - I think it can be incredibly powerful to provide configurable controls that can be updated declaratively by admins & developers. In this case, I want to be able to configure several details about the caching system:

  1. Be able to enable/disable the 3 different cache types (transaction cache, org platform cache, and session platform cache)
  2. Be able to configure the name of the platform cache partition used by the org cache & session cache
  3. Be able to configure the cache duration for platform cache
  4. Support for multiple platform cache partitions
  5. Control if cache values are immutable (meaning that the values cannot be changed until the cache expires) or mutable (any cached value can be overwritten at any time)

With these features in mind, let’s create a new custom metadata type (CMDT) object to store the configurations. CMDT provide the ability to store configurable data that can also be deployed, which seems like a great solution for our cache management system. In this case, I’ve created a new CMDT called CacheConfiguration__mdt with several fields to control the cache system’s behavior.

CacheConfiguration__mdt Setup Page

And since we currently have 3 caches (transaction cache, org platform cache, and session cache), we can create a record for each cache.

CacheConfiguration__mdt List View

Each record now provides an admin-friendly way to customize the caching system.

CacheConfiguration__mdt Organization Record

There’s just one important step left - we need to incorporate new CacheConfiguration__mdt object into the CacheManager class. The first step is to expand the Cacheable interface to have 2 new methods that are driven by the CacheConfiguration__mdt record:

  1. Boolean isEnabled() - indicates if the cache is enabled (and data should be cached) or disabled (and no data should be cached)
  2. Boolean isImmutable() - indicates if a cache value can be changed once it’s been set. This gives developers to control if the first or last cache value specified is used when put(String, Object) is called.

The PlatformCache and TransactionCache inner classes below now both have these 2 new methods, and other existing methods have been updated to check isEnabled() and isImmutable() before executing existing logic.

public without sharing class CacheManager_v6_configurations {
  private static final Map<String, Cacheable> CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE = new Map<String, Cacheable>();
  private static final String PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE = '<{(CACHE_VALUE_IS_NULL)}>'; // Presumably, no one will ever use this as an actual value
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt ORGANIZATION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Organization');
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt SESSION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Session');
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt TRANSACTION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Transaction');

  private enum PlatformCacheType {

  public interface Cacheable {
    Boolean contains(String key);
    Object get(String key);
    Boolean isAvailable();
    Boolean isEnabled();
    Boolean isImmutable();
    void put(String key, Object value);
    void remove(String key);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache() {
    return getOrganizationCache(ORGANIZATION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
    return getPlatformCache(configuration, PlatformCacheType.ORGANIZATION);

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache() {
    return getSessionCache(SESSION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
    return getPlatformCache(configuration, PlatformCacheType.SESSION);

  public static Cacheable getTransactionCache() {

    TransactionCache transactionCacheInstance = new TransactionCache(TRANSACTION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

    return transactionCacheInstance;

  private static void validateKey(String key) {
    Pattern alphanumericPattern = Pattern.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$');
    Matcher regexMatcher = alphanumericPattern.matcher(key);
    if (regexMatcher.matches() == false) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException('Key must be alphanumeric, received key: ' + key);

  private static Cacheable getPlatformCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration, PlatformCacheType cacheType) {
    if (CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.containsKey(configuration.DeveloperName)) {
      return CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.get(configuration.DeveloperName);

    PlatformCachePartitionProxy partitionProxy = new PlatformCachePartitionProxy(cacheType, configuration.PlatformCachePartitionName__c);
    CacheConfiguration__mdt localTransactionCacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration__mdt(
      IsEnabled__c = true,
      IsImmutable__c = configuration.IsImmutable__c

    PlatformCache platformCache = new PlatformCache(configuration, new TransactionCache(localTransactionCacheConfiguration), partitionProxy);
    CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.put(configuration.DeveloperName, platformCache);

    return platformCache;

  private class PlatformCache implements Cacheable {
    private final PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy;
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final TransactionCache fallbackTransactionCache;

    private PlatformCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration, transactionCache transactionCache, PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy) {
      this.configuration = configuration;
      this.fallbackTransactionCache = transactionCache;
      this.cachePartitionProxy = cachePartitionProxy;

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      if (this.configuration.IsEnabled__c == false || this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key);
      } else {
        return this.cachePartitionProxy.contains(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.get(key);
      } else {
        Object value = this.cachePartitionProxy.get(key);
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE) {
          value = null;
        this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.isEnabled() && this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == true;

    public Boolean isEnabled() {
      return this.configuration?.IsEnabled__c == true;

    public Boolean isImmutable() {
      return this.configuration?.IsImmutable__c == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == false) {

      this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);

      if (this.isAvailable() == true && this.isImmutable() == false || this.contains(key) == false) {
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == null) {
          value = PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE;
        Cache.Visibility visibility = Cache.Visibility.valueOf(this.configuration.PlatformCacheVisibility__c.toUpperCase());
        this.cachePartitionProxy.put(key, value, this.configuration.PlatformCacheTimeToLive__c.intValue(), visibility, this.configuration.IsImmutable__c);

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isImmutable() == true) {

      if (this.isAvailable() == true) {

    public void remove(Set<String> keys) {
      for (String key : keys) {

  private virtual class PlatformCachePartitionProxy {
    private final Cache.Partition platformCachePartition;

    protected PlatformCachePartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType cacheType, String partitionName) {
      // If the specified partition name is not found, the platform automatically throws a runtime exception, which isn't ideal.
      // It seems better to eat the exceptions & fallback to the transaction cache (which doesn't rely on Platform Cache).
      try {
        switch on cacheType {
          when ORGANIZATION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Org.getPartition(partitionName);
          when SESSION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Session.getPartition(partitionName);
      } catch (Cache.Org.OrgCacheException orgCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache
      } catch (Cache.Session.SessionCacheException sessionCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache

    public virtual Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.contains(key) == true;

    public virtual Object get(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.get(key);

    public virtual Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.isAvailable() == true;

    public virtual void put(String key, Object value, Integer cacheTtlSeconds, Cache.Visibility cacheVisiblity, Boolean isCacheImmutable) {
      this.platformCachePartition?.put(key, value, cacheTtlSeconds, cacheVisiblity, isCacheImmutable);

    public virtual void remove(String key) {

  private class TransactionCache implements Cacheable {
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    private TransactionCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
      this.configuration = configuration;

    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.isEnabled() == true;

    public Boolean isEnabled() {
      return this.configuration?.IsEnabled__c == true;

    public Boolean isImmutable() {
      return this.configuration?.IsImmutable__c == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true || (this.isImmutable() == false || this.contains(key) == false)) {
        this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true && this.isImmutable() == false) {

Although this change involves modifying nearly every method within CacheManager, the changes are seamless to Apex developers, and do not impact the way that the caching system is used.

6. Scope-Creep Part 2: Declaratively Populating Cache Data Across Transactions, Using CacheValue__mdt Custom Metadata Type

We now have a strong foundation for caching data, and we can control the behavior of the caching system using the new CacheConfiguration__mdt custom metadata type. But one limitation with the current system: it still requires a developer to write code to populate/update the cached value. But what if some data doesn’t change very frequently (and thus, can be cached for longer than the duration supported by platform cache)? If an urgent issue comes up & the Apex code that caches the data is incorrect, do developers need to immediately deploy a hotfix to correct it?

Let’s provide an admin-friendly way that supports overriding cached values. We can add a new custom metadata type as another mechanism for storing cached data. Let’s start with building a new custom metadata type that we’ll call CacheValue__mdt

CacheValue__mdt Setup Page CacheValue__mdt List View CacheValue__mdt Example Record

Now that we have a configured place to store cached data, let’s incorporate it into the CacheManager class.

public without sharing class CacheManager_v7_configure_cache_values {
  private static final Map<String, Cacheable> CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE = new Map<String, Cacheable>();
  private static final List<CacheValue__mdt> CONFIGURED_CACHE_VALUES = Schema.CacheValue__mdt.getAll().values();
  private static final String PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE = '<{(CACHE_VALUE_IS_NULL)}>'; // Presumably, no one will ever use this as an actual value
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt ORGANIZATION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Organization');
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt SESSION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Session');
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt TRANSACTION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Transaction');

  private enum PlatformCacheType {

  public interface Cacheable {
    Boolean contains(String key);
    Object get(String key);
    Boolean isAvailable();
    Boolean isEnabled();
    Boolean isImmutable();
    void put(String key, Object value);
    void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue);
    void remove(String key);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache() {
    return getOrganizationCache(ORGANIZATION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
    return getPlatformCache(configuration, PlatformCacheType.ORGANIZATION);

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache() {
    return getSessionCache(SESSION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
    return getPlatformCache(configuration, PlatformCacheType.SESSION);

  public static Cacheable getTransactionCache() {

    TransactionCache transactionCacheInstance = new TransactionCache(TRANSACTION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

    return transactionCacheInstance;

  private static void validateKey(String key) {
    Pattern alphanumericPattern = Pattern.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$');
    Matcher regexMatcher = alphanumericPattern.matcher(key);
    if (regexMatcher.matches() == false) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException('Key must be alphanumeric, received key: ' + key);

  private static Cacheable getPlatformCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration, PlatformCacheType cacheType) {
    if (CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.containsKey(configuration.DeveloperName)) {
      return CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.get(configuration.DeveloperName);

    PlatformCachePartitionProxy partitionProxy = new PlatformCachePartitionProxy(cacheType, configuration.PlatformCachePartitionName__c);
    CacheConfiguration__mdt localTransactionCacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration__mdt(
      IsEnabled__c = true,
      IsImmutable__c = configuration.IsImmutable__c

    PlatformCache platformCache = new PlatformCache(configuration, new TransactionCache(localTransactionCacheConfiguration), partitionProxy);
    CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.put(configuration.DeveloperName, platformCache);

    return platformCache;

  private static Map<String, Object> loadConfiguredCacheValues(CacheConfiguration__mdt cacheConfiguration) {
    Map<String, Object> keyToCacheValue = new Map<String, Object>();
    if (cacheConfiguration.IsEnabled__c == false || cacheConfiguration.Id == null) {
      return keyToCacheValue;

    for (CacheValue__mdt configuredCacheValue : CONFIGURED_CACHE_VALUES) {
      if (configuredCacheValue.Cache__c == cacheConfiguration.Id && configuredCacheValue.IsEnabled__c == true) {
        System.Type dataType = System.Type.forName(configuredCacheValue.DataType__c);
        Boolean isString = configuredCacheValue.DataType__c == String.class.getName();
        Object castedValue = isString ? configuredCacheValue.Value__c : System.JSON.deserialize(configuredCacheValue.Value__c, dataType);
        keyToCacheValue.put(configuredCacheValue.Key__c, castedValue);
    return keyToCacheValue;

  private class PlatformCache implements Cacheable {
    private final PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy;
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final TransactionCache fallbackTransactionCache;

    private PlatformCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration, transactionCache transactionCache, PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy) {
      this.configuration = configuration;
      this.fallbackTransactionCache = transactionCache;
      this.cachePartitionProxy = cachePartitionProxy;


    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      if (this.configuration.IsEnabled__c == false || this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key);
      } else {
        return this.cachePartitionProxy.contains(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.get(key);
      } else {
        Object value = this.cachePartitionProxy.get(key);
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE) {
          value = null;
        this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.isEnabled() && this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == true;

    public Boolean isEnabled() {
      return this.configuration?.IsEnabled__c == true;

    public Boolean isImmutable() {
      return this.configuration?.IsImmutable__c == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == false) {

      this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);

      if (this.isAvailable() == true && this.isImmutable() == false || this.contains(key) == false) {
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == null) {
          value = PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE;
        Cache.Visibility visibility = Cache.Visibility.valueOf(this.configuration.PlatformCacheVisibility__c.toUpperCase());
        this.cachePartitionProxy.put(key, value, this.configuration.PlatformCacheTimeToLive__c.intValue(), visibility, this.configuration.IsImmutable__c);

    public void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue) {
      for (String key : keyToValue.keySet()) {
        this.put(key, keyToValue.get(key));

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isImmutable() == true) {

      if (this.isAvailable() == true) {

  private virtual class PlatformCachePartitionProxy {
    private final Cache.Partition platformCachePartition;

    protected PlatformCachePartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType cacheType, String partitionName) {
      // If the specified partition name is not found, the platform automatically throws a runtime exception, which isn't ideal.
      // It seems better to eat the exceptions & fallback to the transaction cache (which doesn't rely on Platform Cache).
      try {
        switch on cacheType {
          when ORGANIZATION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Org.getPartition(partitionName);
          when SESSION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Session.getPartition(partitionName);
      } catch (Cache.Org.OrgCacheException orgCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache
      } catch (Cache.Session.SessionCacheException sessionCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache

    public virtual Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.contains(key) == true;

    public virtual Object get(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.get(key);

    public virtual Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.isAvailable() == true;

    public virtual void put(String key, Object value, Integer cacheTtlSeconds, Cache.Visibility cacheVisiblity, Boolean isCacheImmutable) {
      this.platformCachePartition?.put(key, value, cacheTtlSeconds, cacheVisiblity, isCacheImmutable);

    public virtual void remove(String key) {

  private class TransactionCache implements Cacheable {
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    private TransactionCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
      this.configuration = configuration;


    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.isEnabled() == true;

    public Boolean isEnabled() {
      return this.configuration?.IsEnabled__c == true;

    public Boolean isImmutable() {
      return this.configuration?.IsImmutable__c == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true || (this.isImmutable() == false || this.contains(key) == false)) {
        this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue) {
      for (String key : keyToValue.keySet()) {
        this.put(key, keyToValue.get(key));

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true && this.isImmutable() == false) {

With these changes in place, the CacheManager class now automatically loads any CacheValue__mdt records for each cache.

7. Scope-Creep Part 3: Adding Some Handy Methods for Bulk Operations

At this point, we have a pretty powerful caching system, and we certainly could leave things as-is. But I want to provide some additional methods to help Apex developers - by adding in some additional methods to the Cacheable interface that support bulk operations, Apex developers can more easily leverage the cache management system. We’ll add 8 new methods to our Cacheable interface:

  1. Map<String, Boolean> contains(Set<String> keys) - for the specified keys, a Map<String, Boolean> is returned that indicates if each of the specified keys is included in the cache
  2. Boolean containsAll(Set<String> keys) - for the specified keys, indicates if all of the keys are included in the cache (true). If 1 or more key is not found in the cache, this method returns false
  3. Map<String, Object> get(Set<String> keys) - returns a Map<String, Object> containing all of the specified keys, along with their cached values (or null, if one of the keys has not been cached)
  4. Map<String, Object> getAll() - returns a Map<String, Object> containing all of the cached keys & values in the cache
  5. Set<String> getKeys() - returns all of the keys currently in the cache
  6. void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue) - provides a bulk way to add several keys & values to a cache
  7. void remove(Set<String> keys) - provies a bulk way to remove several keys in a cache
  8. void removeAll() - removes all keys in the cache

Below, these new methods have been added to the Cacheable interface, as well as the private inner classes PlatformCache and TransactionCache

public without sharing class CacheManager_v8_final_touches {
  private static final Map<String, Cacheable> CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE = new Map<String, Cacheable>();
  private static final List<CacheValue__mdt> CONFIGURED_CACHE_VALUES = Schema.CacheValue__mdt.getAll().values();
  private static final String PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE = '<{(CACHE_VALUE_IS_NULL)}>'; // Presumably, no one will ever use this as an actual value
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt ORGANIZATION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Organization').clone();
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt SESSION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Session').clone();
  private static final CacheConfiguration__mdt TRANSACTION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION = Schema.CacheConfiguration__mdt.getInstance('Transaction').clone();

  private static Map<PlatformCacheType, PlatformCachePartitionProxy> cacheTypeToMockPartitionProxy = new Map<PlatformCacheType, PlatformCachePartitionProxy>();

  private enum PlatformCacheType {

  public interface Cacheable {
    Boolean contains(String key);
    Map<String, Boolean> contains(Set<String> keys);
    Boolean containsAll(Set<String> keys);
    Object get(String key);
    Map<String, Object> get(Set<String> keys);
    Map<String, Object> getAll();
    Set<String> getKeys();
    Boolean isAvailable();
    Boolean isEnabled();
    Boolean isImmutable();
    void put(String key, Object value);
    void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue);
    void remove(String key);
    void remove(Set<String> keys);
    void removeAll();

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache() {
    return getOrganizationCache(ORGANIZATION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

  public static Cacheable getOrganizationCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
    return getPlatformCache(configuration, PlatformCacheType.ORGANIZATION);

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache() {
    return getSessionCache(SESSION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

  public static Cacheable getSessionCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
    return getPlatformCache(configuration, PlatformCacheType.SESSION);

  public static Cacheable getTransactionCache() {

    TransactionCache transactionCacheInstance = new TransactionCache(TRANSACTION_CACHE_CONFIGURATION);

    return transactionCacheInstance;

  private static void setMockPartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType cacheType, PlatformCachePartitionProxy mockPartitionProxy) {
    cacheTypeToMockPartitionProxy.put(cacheType, mockPartitionProxy);

  private static void validateKey(String key) {
    Pattern alphanumericPattern = Pattern.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$');
    Matcher regexMatcher = alphanumericPattern.matcher(key);
    if (regexMatcher.matches() == false) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException('Key must be alphanumeric, received key: ' + key);

  private static Cacheable getPlatformCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration, PlatformCacheType cacheType) {
    if (CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.containsKey(configuration.DeveloperName)) {
      return CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.get(configuration.DeveloperName);

    PlatformCachePartitionProxy partitionProxy = new PlatformCachePartitionProxy(cacheType, configuration.PlatformCachePartitionName__c);
    if (cacheTypeToMockPartitionProxy.containsKey(cacheType)) {
      partitionProxy = cacheTypeToMockPartitionProxy.get(cacheType);

    CacheConfiguration__mdt localTransactionCacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration__mdt(
      IsEnabled__c = true,
      IsImmutable__c = configuration.IsImmutable__c

    PlatformCache platformCache = new PlatformCache(configuration, new TransactionCache(localTransactionCacheConfiguration), partitionProxy);
    CONFIGURATION_DEVELOPER_NAME_TO_CACHEABLE_INSTANCE.put(configuration.DeveloperName, platformCache);

    return platformCache;

  private static Map<String, Object> loadConfiguredCacheValues(CacheConfiguration__mdt cacheConfiguration) {
    Map<String, Object> keyToCacheValue = new Map<String, Object>();
    if (cacheConfiguration.IsEnabled__c == false) {
      return keyToCacheValue;

    for (CacheValue__mdt configuredCacheValue : CONFIGURED_CACHE_VALUES) {
      if (configuredCacheValue.Cache__c == cacheConfiguration.Id && configuredCacheValue.IsEnabled__c == true) {
        System.Type dataType = System.Type.forName(configuredCacheValue.DataType__c);
        Boolean isString = configuredCacheValue.DataType__c == String.class.getName();
        Object castedValue = isString ? configuredCacheValue.Value__c : System.JSON.deserialize(configuredCacheValue.Value__c, dataType);
        keyToCacheValue.put(configuredCacheValue.Key__c, castedValue);
    return keyToCacheValue;

  private class PlatformCache implements Cacheable {
    private final PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy;
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final TransactionCache fallbackTransactionCache;

    private PlatformCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration, transactionCache transactionCache, PlatformCachePartitionProxy cachePartitionProxy) {
      this.configuration = configuration;
      this.fallbackTransactionCache = transactionCache;
      this.cachePartitionProxy = cachePartitionProxy;


    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      if (this.configuration.IsEnabled__c == false || this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key);
      } else {
        return this.cachePartitionProxy.contains(key);

    public Map<String, Boolean> contains(Set<String> keys) {
      Map<String, Boolean> keyToContainsResult = this.cachePartitionProxy.contains(keys);
      return keyToContainsResult;

    public Boolean containsAll(Set<String> keys) {
      Map<String, Boolean> keyToContainsResult = this.contains(keys);
      if (keyToContainsResult == null || keyToContainsResult.isEmpty() == true) {
        return false;

      for (String key : keyToContainsResult.keySet()) {
        Boolean containsKey = keyToContainsResult.get(key);
        if (containsKey == false) {
          return false;
      return true;

    public Object get(String key) {
      if (this.fallbackTransactionCache.contains(key) || this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == false) {
        return this.fallbackTransactionCache.get(key);
      } else {
        Object value = this.cachePartitionProxy.get(key);
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE) {
          value = null;
        this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public Map<String, Object> get(Set<String> keys) {
      Map<String, Object> keyToValue = this.cachePartitionProxy.get(keys);
      if (keyToValue == null) {
        keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();
      return keyToValue;

    public Map<String, Object> getAll() {
      return this.get(this.getKeys());

    public Set<String> getKeys() {
      Set<String> keys = this.cachePartitionProxy.getKeys();
      if (keys == null) {
        keys = new Set<String>();
      return keys;

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.isEnabled() && this.cachePartitionProxy.isAvailable() == true;

    public Boolean isEnabled() {
      return this.configuration?.IsEnabled__c == true;

    public Boolean isImmutable() {
      return this.configuration?.IsImmutable__c == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == false) {

      this.fallbackTransactionCache.put(key, value);

      if (this.isAvailable() == true && this.isImmutable() == false || this.contains(key) == false) {
        // Platform cache does not support storing null values, so a predefined value is used as a substitute
        if (value == null) {
          value = PLATFORM_CACHE_NULL_VALUE;
        Cache.Visibility visibility = Cache.Visibility.valueOf(this.configuration.PlatformCacheVisibility__c.toUpperCase());
        this.cachePartitionProxy.put(key, value, this.configuration.PlatformCacheTimeToLive__c.intValue(), visibility, this.configuration.IsImmutable__c);

    public void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue) {
      for (String key : keyToValue.keySet()) {
        this.put(key, keyToValue.get(key));

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isImmutable() == true) {

      if (this.isAvailable() == true) {

    public void remove(Set<String> keys) {
      for (String key : keys) {

    public void removeAll() {
      for (String key : this.getKeys()) {

  private virtual class PlatformCachePartitionProxy {
    private final Cache.Partition platformCachePartition;

    protected PlatformCachePartitionProxy(PlatformCacheType cacheType, String partitionName) {
      // If the specified partition name is not found, the platform automatically throws a runtime exception, which isn't ideal.
      // It seems better to eat the exceptions & fallback to the transaction cache (which doesn't rely on Platform Cache).
      try {
        switch on cacheType {
          when ORGANIZATION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Org.getPartition(partitionName);
          when SESSION {
            this.platformCachePartition = Cache.Session.getPartition(partitionName);
      } catch (Cache.Org.OrgCacheException orgCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache
      } catch (Cache.Session.SessionCacheException sessionCacheException) {
        // No-op if the partition can't be found - the rest of the code will fallback to using the transaction cache

    public virtual Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.contains(key) == true;

    public Map<String, Boolean> contains(Set<String> keys) {
      Map<String, Boolean> keyToContainsResult = this.platformCachePartition?.contains(keys);
      if (keyToContainsResult == null) {
        keyToContainsResult = new Map<String, Boolean>();
      if (keyToContainsResult.isEmpty() == true) {
        for (String key : keys) {
          keyToContainsResult.put(key, false);
      return keyToContainsResult;

    public virtual Object get(String key) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.get(key);

    public virtual Map<String, Object> get(Set<String> keys) {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.get(keys);

    public virtual Set<String> getKeys() {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.getKeys();

    public virtual Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.platformCachePartition?.isAvailable() == true;

    public virtual void put(String key, Object value, Integer cacheTtlSeconds, Cache.Visibility cacheVisiblity, Boolean isCacheImmutable) {
      this.platformCachePartition?.put(key, value, cacheTtlSeconds, cacheVisiblity, isCacheImmutable);

    public virtual void remove(String key) {

  private class TransactionCache implements Cacheable {
    private final CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration;
    private final Map<String, Object> keyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();

    private TransactionCache(CacheConfiguration__mdt configuration) {
      this.configuration = configuration;


    public Boolean contains(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.containsKey(key);

    public Map<String, Boolean> contains(Set<String> keys) {
      Map<String, Boolean> keyToContainsResult = new Map<String, Boolean>();
      for (String key : keys) {
        keyToContainsResult.put(key, this.contains(key));
      return keyToContainsResult;

    public Boolean containsAll(Set<String> keys) {
      return this.keyToValue.keySet().containsAll(keys);

    public Object get(String key) {
      return this.keyToValue.get(key);

    public Map<String, Object> get(Set<String> keys) {
      Map<String, Object> matchingKeyToValue = new Map<String, Object>();
      for (String key : keys) {
        matchingKeyToValue.put(key, this.get(key));
      return matchingKeyToValue;

    public Map<String, Object> getAll() {
      return this.keyToValue.clone();

    public Set<String> getKeys() {
      return this.keyToValue.keySet();

    public Boolean isAvailable() {
      return this.isEnabled() == true;

    public Boolean isEnabled() {
      return this.configuration?.IsEnabled__c == true;

    public Boolean isImmutable() {
      return this.configuration?.IsImmutable__c == true;

    public void put(String key, Object value) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true || (this.isImmutable() == false || this.contains(key) == false)) {
        this.keyToValue.put(key, value);

    public void put(Map<String, Object> keyToValue) {
      for (String key : keyToValue.keySet()) {
        this.put(key, keyToValue.get(key));

    public void remove(String key) {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true && this.isImmutable() == false) {

    public void remove(Set<String> keys) {
      for (String key : keys) {

    public void removeAll() {
      if (this.isEnabled() == true && this.isImmutable() == false) {

With these new methods in place, we haven’t necessarily added new concepts - the cache management system is still providing ways for the same operations of adding, retrieving, updating, and removing data in the cache. But the new methods make it simpler for developers to work with cached data in bulk, which can help reduce the lines of code needed to leverage the cache management system. And for now, this seems like a great stopping point for the first release.

Wrapping Up

At this point, we’ve not only implemented the original list of goals - we’ve also scope creeped a bit to add configurable controls & additional helper methods for Apex developers. And by starting incredibly small (with only 3 lines of code) and layering in new features, we were able to iteratively expand the functionality to get to the final version.

And whether you need to use a cache management system in your own org, or you just want to see how to iteratively write code in Apex, I hope this has been informative for you - certainly, I had a lot of fun working on this.

A huge thanks again to James Simone for his help with the original implementation in Nebula Logger & the new standalone version Nebula Cache Manager!

James: thanks again to Jonathan for contributing this incredible article!

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