Hi, I’m James
James Simone (that’s me! 👋) is a climber, runner, sourdough bread baker, oats enthusiast, and software developer. He’s the self-published author of the sci-fi / fantasy novel A Good Thing Never Stops, and is in the midst of several different writing projects, including a Salesforce.com series entitled The Joys Of Apex. He switches between the third and first person on this page in particular. 😦
James Simone grew up in the greater NY area and got into rock climbing & running through friends — a fortuitous path into the outdoors that has informed his writing (both professionally and personally) ever since. James & his wife, Sheila Murray, live in New England.
She & Jim is not just James & Sheila’s adventure travel blog — it’s a catalogue of their adventures, vegan and vegetarian recipe compendium, and more.