The Joys Of Apex
I’m currently writing a Salesforce.com Apex blog series on my TDD framework, under the wonderful title The Joys Of Apex — take a look!
Building this site
This website was built using Gatsby. I blogged about the cutover from Next to Gatsby, which was met favorably within the online community.
All of the styling is hand rolled, though I can also recommend the use of Tachyons js to anyone looking to build a site using a small, complete (13 kb!!), CSS framework.
I’m a fullstack developer working across a variety of different cloud platforms, frontends and backends including:
- Java
- C#
- Salesforce
- Node.js + TypeScript
- React.js (Gatsby / Next.js)
- Angular (unfortunately)
While you can occasionally observe me dropping * from *, using reflection to create anonymous types in
C#, changing the value of undefined
in JS, and perhaps enjoying one-time-too-many the mega-classic Wat video, in general I can be relied upon to write clean code.
Check me out on Github!