Batchable & Queueable Apex
Posted: March 27, 2020

Batchable & Queueable Apex

Table of Contents:

  • Introducing the DataProcessor
  • Fixing the DataProcessor
  • Batchable & Queueable Summary

Batchable and Queueable Apex are both powerful processing frameworks within Salesforce. Unlock the power of both Batchable and Queueable Apex with the easily extendable DataProcessor pattern, which I’ll detail in this post. This has been a long time coming. I’ve been dreaming of writing this post for years — after getting burned with a few Batch Apex classes.

Reading the Apex docs concerning Batch Apex, it sounds like a dream come true:

If you use a QueryLocator object, the governor limit for the total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries is bypassed. For example, a batch Apex job for the Account object can return a QueryLocator for all account records (up to 50 million records) in an org.

What the @%^!? 50 million records ?? God, we can all go home, the work’s pretty much done for us (just kidding, we’re all at home anyway). In reality, the use of Batch Apex is frequently a painful experience with:

  • slow running batches
  • intermittent failures (if one batch fails, the records being updated in it get rolled back … but that’s not true for the records in any of the other batches spawned through the process, good luck trying to diagnose issues in Batchable Apex that’s been running with silent failures for a few days …)

Being the chief offenders. Let’s not even get onto the subject of maintaining the order of batches once they’re in the Apex Flex Queue. Have you ever tried to hit a moving target? If you’re one of the poor sods who’s tried to juggle which Batch Jobs were executing at any given time, yes — yes, you have tried. I’ve also already spoken about the Batchable boilerplate in the Enum post, so I won’t beat on that horse.

With the introduction of Queueable Apex, it seemed that most people’s prayers had been answered; queued jobs ran fast, and it’s possible to write recursive Queueable Apex that (when set up correctly) gets around the DML row limit with carefully crafted queries that run in small batches … essentially, fast Batchable Apex.

But after a few years of using Queueables instead of Batch Apex, I found myself really pushing the limits (no pun intended) of what was possible in a single transaction with only 10,000 rows that could be modified. The truth is, without good sentinel values on the records you’re querying (some kind of IsUpdated flag), you can quickly run into trouble with Queueables running forever — head back to the Apex Jobs setup page to try to stop the job before it restarts itself!

Plus, if you need to modify the sentinel value on 1,000 records, but those records could in turn be responsible for creating more than 9 records each (which is certainly possible with one-to-many relationships), you’ve just run into the kind of territory I was recently exploring for a client. Query too little, and the jobs will run inefficiently; query too much and you run into a Limit exception. Classic Salesforce.

Introducing the DataProcessor

Let’s take it back to the end of the Repository post. It’s not quite required reading for this post, but I do recommend it. The essentials are the use of the Query and Repository objects to encapsulate SOQL requests, and there’ll be a necessary rehash below. That encapsulation is important because passing around Strings is a dangerous game … and Batchable Apex sadly requires the use of Strings. To begin with, we’ll need to revamp the Repository to safely encapsulate the Database.QueryLocator object that Batchables require in their start method. Unfortunately, there’s no public constructor for this class, so we won’t be able to mock a return value, but that’s a story for another day. Here’s what I’d like to test first:

// in Repository_Tests.cls
static void it_should_return_count_properly() {
    insert new Account(Name = 'Test');
    Query nameEqualsTest = new Query(Account.Name, Query.Operator.EQUALS, 'Test');
    IRepository repo = new Repository(Account.SObjectType, new List<SObjectField>());

    QueryWrapper wrapper = repo.getWrapper(nameEqualsTest);

    System.assertEquals(1, wrapper.ResultSize);

Pretty self-explanatory. The QueryWrapper object will encapsulate not only the Database.QueryLocator — it will also receive an aggregated count for underlying requests. This will allow DataProcessor consumers to judge based on how many results are returned if it will be necessary to batch the request or enqueue it. Salesforce does include the Database.countQuery method in the standard Apex library, but we’ll need to tweak how the underlying query string is formed in order to properly conform to the format that countQuery expects. Let’s review the implementation:

// your garden-variety POJO...
public class QueryWrapper {
  public QueryWrapper(Database.QueryLocator locator, Integer resultSize) {
    this.Locator = locator;
    this.ResultSize = resultSize;

  public Database.QueryLocator Locator { get; private set; }
  public Integer ResultSize { get; private set; }

// And then the full repository...
public class Repository extends DML implements IRepository {
  private final Schema.SObjectType repoType;
  private final List<Schema.SObjectField> queryFields;

  private Boolean shortCircuit = false;

  public Repository(Schema.SObjectType repoType, List<Schema.SObjectField> queryFields) {
    this.repoType = repoType;
    this.queryFields = queryFields;

  public QueryWrapper getWrapper(Query query) {
    return this.getWrapper(new List<Query>{ query });

  public QueryWrapper getWrapper(List<Query> queries) {
    String queryString = this.getQueryString(queries);
    Integer resultSize = this.getAggregateResultSize(queries);

    Database.QueryLocator locator = Database.getQueryLocator(queryString);
    return new QueryWrapper(locator, resultSize);

  public List<SObject> get(Query query) {
    return this.get(new List<Query>{ query });

  public List<SObject> get(List<Query> queries) {
    String finalQuery = this.getQueryString(queries);
    System.debug('Query: \n' + finalQuery);
    List<SObject> results = this.getFromQuery(finalQuery);
    System.debug('Results: \n' + results);
    return results;

  private String getQueryString(List<Query> queries) {
    String selectClause = 'SELECT ' + this.addSelectFields();
    String fromClause = this.getFrom();
    String whereClause = this.addWheres(queries);
    return selectClause + fromClause + whereClause;

  private String addSelectFields() {
    Set<String> fieldStrings = new Set<String>{ 'Id' };
    for(SObjectField field : this.queryFields) {
    return String.join(new List<String>(fieldStrings), ', ');

  private String getFrom() { return '\nFROM ' + this.repoType;  }

  private String addWheres(List<Query> queries) {
    List<String> wheres = new List<String>();
    for(Query query : queries) {
        if(query.isEmpty()) { this.shortCircuit = true; }
    return '\nWHERE ' + String.join(wheres, '\nAND');

  private List<SObject> getFromQuery(String queryString) {
    return shortCircuit ? new List<SObject>() : Database.query(queryString);

  private Integer getAggregateResultSize(List<Query> queries) {
    String selectClause = 'SELECT Count()';
    String fromClause = this.getFrom();
    String whereClause = this.addWheres(queries);

    return Database.countQuery(selectClause + fromClause + whereClause);

Apologies — I normally paste snippets, but because this work builds on the class that was built in the Repository post, it was a little hard to avoid. That’s the only rehash necessary, as the rest of the code is all new. The QueryWrapper object ends up with the info it needs, and we only burn one SOQL call in the meantime.

Initially, I was hoping to do something like the following with the DataProcessor:

public abstract class DataProcessor {
  protected final Integer resultSize;
  // if you needed to, you could abort
  // at any time using the jobId
  protected Id jobId;

  public DataProcessor(Factory factory) {
    // implementers will use this constructor
    // to install dependencies

  protected DataProcessor(QueryWrapper wrapper) {
    this.resultSize = wrapper.ResultSize;

  // these end up being the only four methods
  // you would care about in your implementing classes
  protected virtual QueryWrapper getWrapper() {
    throw new DataProcessorException('Not Implemented');
  protected virtual void execute(List<SObject> records) { }
  protected virtual void finish() { }
  protected virtual Boolean isBatchable() {
    return this.resultSize > Limits.getLimitDmlRows() / 3;

  public void process() {
    QueryWrapper wrapper = this.getWrapper();
    // or some other sentinel value you override
    if(this.isBatchable()) {
      Database.executeBatch(new DataProcessorBatchable(wrapper));
    } else {
      System.enqueueJob(new DataProcessorQueueable(wrapper));
  // I would never do these linebreaks normally
  // but I know it helps with reading on mobile
  private virtual class DataProcessorBatchable
    extends DataProcessor
    implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.Stateful {
    private final String queryLocatorString;
    protected DataProcessorBatchable(QueryWrapper wrapper) {
      // trying to store Database.QueryLocator in an instance
      // variable leads to the dreaded
      // System.SerializationException:
      // Not Serializable: Database.QueryLocator error
      // cache the cleaned query string for re-use instead
      this.queryLocatorString = wrapper.Locator.getQuery();

    public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
      this.jobId = context.getJobId();
      return Database.getQueryLocator(queryLocatorString);
    public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<SObject> records) {
      // if you were doing something really zany here
      // and the jobId had changed, you could re-save it here
    public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
      // same

  private virtual class DataProcessorQueueable
    extends DataProcessor
    implements System.Queueable {
    private final String query;

    protected DataProcessorQueueable(QueryWrapper wrapper) {
      this.query = wrapper.Locator.getQuery();

    public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
      this.jobId = context.getJobId();

  private class DataProcessorException extends Exception{}

Unfortunately, I quickly ran into two errors that prevented the DataProcessor class from encapsulating the inner classes:

#First I had this problem in saving the above:
Error: Only top-level classes can implement Database.Batchable<SObject>
#Unlucky. Later, in testing the inner Queueable class:
System.AsyncException: Queueable cannot be implemented with other system interfaces.

This was a bit of a bummer — I was really hoping to safely encapsulate the all of the processing logic within a single Apex class, hiding the implementation details.

Regardless, we’ll still end up with a simple list of methods to override:

  • QueryWrapper getWrapper() would have to be re-implemented by any consumer to prevent the exception from being thrown. This is because you need to dictate to the DataProcessor what kind of data you’re getting
  • void execute(List<SObject> records) to define all of the processing details for consumers
  • optionally, void finish() and the sentinel Boolean isBatchable() for post-processing and for overriding the default implementation when necessary.

Since the second error I printed above was found while testing, I’ll show the tests first:

private class DataProcessorTests {
  static void setup() {
    insert new Account(Name = ACCOUNT_NAME);

  static void it_should_run_as_queueable_for_small_record_sizes() {
      [SELECT Status FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE JobType = 'Queueable'].Status
    // ensure batch didn't also run
      [SELECT Id FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE JobType = 'BatchApexWorker'].size()

  static void it_should_run_as_batchable_when_instructed_to() {
    batchable = true;
      [SELECT Status FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE JobType = 'BatchApexWorker'].Status
    // ensure queueable didn't also run
      [SELECT Id FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE JobType = 'Queueable'].size()

  static void runTest() {
    // for actual implementers, you would actually
    // be calling Factory.getFactory().getTheImplementer.process();
    new TestAccountProcessor(Factory.getFactory()).process();

    Account updatedAccount = [SELECT Name FROM Account];
    System.assertEquals(ACCOUNT_NAME + ' TestAccountProcessor', updatedAccount.Name);
    System.assertEquals(true, finished);

  static Boolean batchable = false;
  static Boolean finished = false;
  static String ACCOUNT_NAME = 'Hi';

  private class TestAccountProcessor extends DataProcessor {
    private final IRepository accountRepo;
    public TestAccountProcessor(Factory factory) {
      // check out the Factory post if
      // you're scratching your head looking at this!
      this.accountRepo = factory.RepoFactory.getAccountRepo();

    // a simple implementation that fetches all accounts
    // with the hard-coded name ... but in reality you could be
    // querying up to 50 million rows!
    protected override QueryWrapper getWrapper() {
      return this.accountRepo.getWrapper(
        new Query(Account.Name, Query.Operator.EQUALS, ACCOUNT_NAME)

    // a really terrible example implementation
    // but the sky's the limit, really
    // once this thing's kicked off, it can safely run
    // with however many records were queried for
    // in your getWrapper method
    protected override void execute(List<SObject> records) {
      List<Account> accounts = (List<Account>) records;
      for(Account acc : accounts) {
        acc.Name = acc.Name + ' TestAccountProcessor';

    protected override void finish() {
      finished = true;

    protected override Boolean isBatchable() {
      return !batchable ? super.isBatchable() : batchable;

Fixing the DataProcessor

Originally when this article was published, I “fixed” the error reported above by breaking the Queueable / Batchable DataProcessor implementations out into their own classes. This weighed on me, over time, and I kept trying to return to the paradigm to replace the need for so many outer classes. While working on replacing DLRS, I finally managed to combine everything all into one class:

public virtual class DataProcessor implements Database.Batchable<SObject> {
  protected final Integer resultSize;
  protected final String queryString;
  protected final DataProcessor processor;

  protected Id jobId;

  public DataProcessor(Factory factory) {

  protected DataProcessor(QueryWrapper wrapper, DataProcessor processor) {
    this.resultSize = wrapper.ResultSize;
    this.queryString = wrapper.Locator.getQuery();
    this.processor = processor;

  public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
    this.jobId = context.getJobId();
    return Database.getQueryLocator(this.queryString);

  public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<SObject> records) {

  public void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {

  protected virtual QueryWrapper getWrapper() {
    throw new DataProcessorException('Not Implemented');

  protected virtual void execute(List<SObject> records) {

  protected virtual void finish() {

  protected virtual Boolean isBatchable() {
    return this.resultSize > Limits.getLimitDmlRows() / 3;

  public void process() {
    QueryWrapper wrapper = this.getWrapper();
    if (this.isBatchable()) {
      Database.executeBatch(new DataProcessor(wrapper, this));
    } else {
      System.enqueueJob(new DataProcessorQueueable(wrapper, this));

  private class DataProcessorQueueable extends DataProcessor implements System.Queueable {

    public DataProcessorQueueable(QueryWrapper wrapper, DataProcessor processor) {
      super(wrapper, processor);

    public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
      this.jobId = context.getJobId();

  private class DataProcessorException extends Exception {

Batchable & Queueable Summary

And the DataProcessorTests pass (in a third of a second, no less). It’s important to note that passing the current processor instance using this in DataProcessor.process is the key to success here. This allows the Queueable / Batchable implementation to only care about fulfilling the Salesforce interface requirements, while delegating the processing methodology to actual consumers. This also allows you to only test the things you need to test; the business logic written into the execute methods.

Though it requires three classes to properly setup the DataProcessor, I’m pleased with the results of this particular experiment. No more worrying about whether or not your Queueable is going to accidentally end up trying to process too many things. That’s a great safety net to have! Plus, if your org rarely ventures into Batchable territory, if batches do end getting enqueued as query results grow in size, they’ll have the chance to run at reasonable speeds (it’s only when you’re already heavily reliant on batches that slowdowns occur).

Another thing to note — did anybody catch the missed opportunity on Salesforce’s side in not having the Context objects inherit in a sane way? It’s a shame that there isn’t some base class with something like a createdFromId method; I’m fine with there being QueueableContext, and SchedulableContext and BatchableContext interfaces, etc … but it’s not very object-oriented, considering that in the end, regardless of what the context is, you’re getting an Id related to the object’s initialization.

So what do you think? Is the DataProcessor pattern something you’re interested in implementing in your own org(s)? You can browse the full source code for this example on my Github. I hope that this entry in the Joys Of Apex has proven enjoyable; stick around and check out the other posts if you’re arriving here for the first time, and thanks for reading! For more reading on Batchable/Queueable classes in Apex, make sure that as part of your reading you explore the setTimeout & Implementing Delays In Apex post to see how to juggle Batchable/Queueable Apex objects in order to create programmatic delays — perfect for rate-limited APIs in Apex! That post also answers the question: “can I call a queueable from a batch class?” (Hint: you can!)

As well, I’ve now made use of this pattern in my Custom Rollup solution, showing how easy it is to provide dynamic scaling on platform. If you’re interested in more robust error handling, I would also recommend my friend Jonathan Gillespie’s guest post on advanced logging using Nebula Logger, which is an in-depth guide into how you can both take advantage of Salesforce’s platform features and store rich data about the source of errors elegantly.

A fun addendum on the subject of Batch classes can be found in Platform Events With Async Apex — using Database.RaisesPlatformEvents and an inner class in DataProcessor that implements the Finalizer interface for queueables, you can consolidate error handling for Batch/Queueable Apex!

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